Tuesday, September 6, 2011

From: Society For Women's Health Research


The "Big 3" For Baby and Me:  Folic Acid, Calcium with Vitamin D and DHA Omega-3
  The "Big 3" nutrients – folic acid, calcium and DHA omega-3 – are critical building blocks for every woman’s diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding to ensure the health of their babies.
  • Folic acid is a B vitamin important for healthy cells. Healthful diets with adequate folic acid may reduce a woman’s risk of having a child with a brain or spinal birth defect.
  • Calcium with vitamin D is essential for infant development and for the long-term health of the mother. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium. Consuming plenty of calcium with vitamin D during pregnancy promotes strong bones and teeth. It also supports a healthy heart, nerves and muscles for the baby. Adequate maternal calcium intake ensures that enough is available to meet the needs of both mother and baby.
  • DHA Omega-3 is a fatty acid important for brain, eye and nervous system development and function, as well as heart health. A diet rich in DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding may play a role in supporting healthy pregnancies, helping a mother’s emotional well-being after birth and aiding the mental and visual development of infants.

  Women can get the "Big 3" nutrients through a well-balanced diet. Moms pass these important nutrients along to their developing infants via the placenta during pregnancy and through breast milk after birth.

  Women know the importance of folic acid and calcium with vitamin D, but many are not familiar with DHA omega-3. However, scientific evidence demonstrates that DHA omega-3 is an important building block of perinatal nutrition.

To learn more, visit the Society for Women’s Health Research Web site: http://www.womenshealthresearch.org/

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Nations Worst Pollution Is Found Inside Our Homes!

  • The EPA has determined that the toxic chemical levels inside our homes is 3 to 5 times higher than outdoors.
  • We are being poisoned in our own homes through inhalation and absorption of cleaning products, laundry products and personal care products.
  • According to National Poison Control, 1.5 million children are poisoned each year by a cleaning or personal care product.
  • Another shocking statistic from the EPA – Women who work at home suffer a 55% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside the home. The primary suspect is household chemicals.

What Does History Tell Us?

  • Around the turn of the century the cancer incidence rate was about one in fifty.
  • Asthma was once a very rare diseased.
  • Birth defects, miscarriages, stillborn deliveries and infertility are more a problem today than ever before.
  • Degenerative diseases are increasing (especially in western, industrialized societies) indicating that the body is deficient in health-providing nutrients.
  • Foods today do not contain the high level of nutrients as in the past.
  • Attention Deficit Disorder is a fairly new new but real concern. Estimates are that over six million U.S. Children are being treated with mind altering drugs.

  • We have more toxic chemicals in our homes today than a toxicology lab in 1948
  • Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Anticancer Activity of Tea Tree Oil -- A New Study

A new study finds that Melaleuca oil may be useful in the prevention and treatment of skin cancer.

Here's a brief overview:

Anti-cancer activity of tea tree oil

To learn more about this product or to purchase, please contact me at:

(503) 967-5211 (Office)

Follow Our Story As It's Being Written: Seeing The Results

My family deserves a healthy environment so I've switched to all natural, chemical free household cleaning products. So far I've replaced my dishwasher soap, laundry soap, dryer sheets, household disinfectant. My wife LOVES this stuff!

The laundry soap is mega concentrated.  It cleans better than Tide. 1 bottle is equivalent to 3 bottles of Liquid Tide and it costs less.  Absolutely no chemicals and reduces the impact on the environment.

The dryer sheets smell great! Also chemical free. They have no toxic cancer causing chemicals, unlike other store bought brands.

The dishwasher detergent is leaving our dishs clean with NO water deposit stains. Again... no chemicals.  Love it!

As for the household disinfectant, It cleans & shines, smells great, kills 99.9% percent of germs & bacteria, uses natures solution and I don't have to use gloves.

I've ordered and am using some of the Bath & Body products now. I'll let you know how it goes.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Connection Between Chemicals And Autism

The genetically caused occurances of autism are only 35% to 40%.  What's causing the other 60% to 65% of occurances of autism...  CHEMICALS!!!!  Chemicals that we use in our homes every day.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So What Can We Do?

For those of you that have watched the YouTube video in the previous post, and for those of you that will...  What can we do do to protect our children and family members from the dangers of toxins and chemicals that run rampant in our homes?  The solution is simple...  Shop at a different store.  That's right.  Most all of the products that we use in our home contain chemicals that cause Cancer, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Infertility, Mood Disorders and more.  The truth is our government has very little control over the chemicals manufacturers use in their products. The fact is, they do not have to disclose them if they choose not to.  Shop at a different store.  It's time we stop being the subjects of a large experiment.  We can change the way manufacturers conduct business by saying ENOUGH! by no longer purchasing their products.  Shop at a different store.  I work with a manufacturer that deals in health & wellness.  Their mission is to change lives through the reduction of chemicals in our homes and to have a positive impact on our global environment.  Why wouldn't you do this if it's within your grasp?